Mar 31, 2025  
20-21 SWVCTC Academic Catalog 
20-21 SWVCTC Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admission Procedures

General Admission

In accordance with West Virginia Code § 18B-1-1A; 18B-2B-6; 18B-3C-2; Title 135, Procedural Rule, West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education, Series 23, Basic Guidelines and Standards for Admissions at Community and Technical Colleges, and policy, SCP-4000, Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College is an “open admissions” institution and supports the philosophy that residents should have access to higher education opportunities commensurate with their abilities and interests. Admission to Southern is open to persons age eighteen and older and able to benefit from study at the community college level. This policy provides specific information related to admission requirements for the various classifications of students. Admission to Southern does not imply eligibility for, nor guarantee admission to, any specific program of study for which more stringent admission requirements are established.

Those who possess a high school diploma or appropriate high school assessment, such as General Educational Development (GED®) or Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) may enroll as certificate degree or associate degree-seeking students. Other persons may enroll as certificate degree or associate degree-seeking students on an ability to benefit basis, but shall be regularly evaluated to determine whether their performance indicates an ability to continue their studies. Copies of high school transcripts, health records and transcripts of previous college work are not required for admission to community colleges. Participation in certain federal, state, and/or institutional financial aid programs or admissions to specific academic programs do require copies of high school transcripts, high school equivalency exam scores, and/or prior college work be provided. Individuals are encouraged to check with the appropriate institutional officials to determine the documents required for participation in or admission to such programs. If a student wants credit for prior college work completed, then official transcripts must be provided.

In addition to general institutional admission requirements, certain limited enrollment programs have specific admission requirements. Those applying for admission to those programs must comply with the general admission requirements as well as those of the specific program.

Classification of Students

Regular Students (Degree Seeking Students)

Individuals with a high school diploma or a high school equivalency (GED® or alternative approved examination) who are seeking a certificate and/or associate degree must submit official high school transcripts or high school equivalency exam scores to the Records Office.

Re-Entry Students

A student who interrupts his/her studies by failing to register and attend classes during a fall or spring academic term and who wishes to re-enter the College is required to update his/her personal and academic records with the campus Student Records Office. The student must submit official transcripts if he/she has earned additional credits at another institution during his/her absence from Southern.

Non-degree Seeking Students

Students who wish to take credit courses for personal enrichment, job improvement, or some reason other than seeking a degree or certificate are permitted to enroll. These students must submit a completed application form for admission.

Official academic transcripts from any college attended can be articulated for the purpose of meeting course prerequisite requirements.

A non-degree student who wishes to change his/her status to regular degree-seeking and who wants any previous college course work articulated toward a certificate and/or associate degree must submit official transcripts of all previous college work and complete the necessary forms in the Records Office to change his/her admission status and complete the degree-seeking admission requirements. 

Transfer Students

Students may transfer to Southern from other accredited postsecondary institutions. In accordance with SCP-4786, Transfer Student Requirements and Credit Evaluation, the transfer student must submit a completed application for admission and present an official transcript from all institutions of all previous college work to the Records Office as well as meet the institution’s basic admission standards. An evaluation will be made of each transcript, and the student will be notified by the Registrar of those courses transferable and the amount of credit granted/recognized for each. Students who transfer must complete fifteen hours of the associate degree program at Southern. Those students who transfer and apply transfer credit toward a certificate program must complete eight hours required in the certificate program at Southern. A student who is receiving federal financial assistance and who fails to acknowledge attendance at any college or university in which he/she has been registered may be subject to disciplinary action.

A student who disagrees with the applicability of transfer credit by Southern may appeal to the Registrar. The Registrar shall:

  • Schedule a meeting with the student.
  • Conduct a review and explanation of the credit evaluation.
  • Address the student’s concerns.
  • Review the concerns with the appropriate faculty and Dean.
  • Respond to the student via student’s official Southern e-mail address with the decision.

If the student accepts the decision, the process ends.

If the student does not accept the decision from the Registrar, the student may then appeal to the Chief Academic Officer for further review and decision. After this decision, if the student still does not accept the outcome, the student may appeal to the Higher Education Policy Commission (Commission) and the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education’s (Council) Joint Recommending Committee for Transfer and Articulation.

Transient Students

Transient students who are officially enrolled and in good academic standing at other post-secondary institutions and want to enroll for courses at Southern may enroll for courses at Southern provided they submit forms completed by their home college stating the courses to be taken and that the students are in good standing. The completed transient form must be submitted to the Records Office. If the student is receiving financial aid, he/she must have a consortium agreement signed by both the home institution and Southern’s financial assistance office.

Early Entry High School Students

Students still enrolled in high school may enroll in courses at Southern provided they meet course prerequisites, complete the admission procedures, and meet the following requirements:

  1. Completion of Southern’s Early Entry Application with consent form signed by the high school principal or counselor and parent or legal guardian.
  2. The student must have a 2.5 grade point average unless he or she is participating in a special project such as the College Transition Initiative.
  3. High school students may enroll for no more than seven (7) credit hours per academic term.
  4. Early entry students must meet course prerequisites before registering.

Conditional Admission

Persons eighteen years of age or older who do not have a high school diploma or appropriate high school assessment, such as General Educational Development (GED®) or Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), may be admitted and enrolled in classes on a conditional basis. Their progress and credit hours earned shall be regularly evaluated.

Conditionally admitted students must complete the college’s entrance assessment or provide other placement scores as described in the “Placement Standard and Entrance Assessments for Initial Credit-Bearing Courses in Mathematics and English” section and provide proof of attainment of a high school diploma or high school equivalency degree prior to being admitted as a regular degree-seeking student. A maximum of twelve credit hours may be taken as a conditionally admitted student. Conditionally admitted students are generally not eligible to receive any federal or state financial assistance. However, students admitted on an ability to benefit basis may be eligible to participate in Title IV federal financial aid programs.

Home School Students

For purposes of admission to Southern, as well as compliance in certain financial aid programs, home school students must provide a detailed home school transcript along with the diploma. Home school students may also provide proper documentation of high school assessment, such as the General Educational Development (GED®) or Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), in place of the home school transcript.

International Students

Under the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement rules, Southern is not certified to enroll international students.

Residency Determination

Classification for Admission and Fee Purposes

In accordance with Title 135, Series 25, students enrolling in a West Virginia public institution of higher education shall be assigned a residency status for admission, tuition, and fee purposes by the Registrar. The decision shall be based upon information furnished by the student and all other relevant information. The Registrar is authorized to require such written documents, affidavits, verifications, or other evidence as are deemed necessary to establish the domicile of a student. The burden of establishing residency for tuition and fee purposes is upon the student. By interstate agreement, residents of Boyd, Lawrence, Martin and Pike County, Kentucky may enroll at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College as resident students by providing appropriate documentation of established domicile within one of the designated counties.

If there is a question as to residence, the matter must be brought to the attention of the Registrar at least two (2) weeks prior to the deadline for the payment of tuition and fees. False or misleading statements concerning residence shall be subject to disciplinary action and the person involved will be charged the nonresident fees for each session previously attended.

Residence Determined by Domicile

Domicile within the state means adoption of the state as a fixed permanent home and involves personal presence within the State with no intent on the part of the applicant, or, in the case of a dependent student, the applicant’s parent(s), to return to another state or country. West Virginia domicile may be established upon the completion of at least twelve (12) months of continued residence within the state prior to the date of registration, provided that such twelve months residency is not primarily for the purpose of attendance at any institution of learning in West Virginia.

Establishment of West Virginia domicile with less than twelve months residence, prior to the date of registration, must be supported by evidence of positive and unequivocal action, such as, but not limited to, ownership or lease of a permanently occupied home in West Virginia, paying West Virginia property tax, filing West Virginia income tax returns, registering to vote in West Virginia and the actual exercising of such rights, registering of motor vehicles in West Virginia, possessing a valid West Virginia driver’s license, full-time employment within the state, and marriage to a person already domiciled in West Virginia.

Dependency Status

A dependent student is one who is listed as a dependent on the federal or state income tax return of his/her parent(s) or legal guardian or who receives major financial support from that person. Such a student maintains the same domicile as that of the parent(s) or legal guardian. In the event the parents are divorced or legally separated, the dependent student takes the domicile of the parent with whom he/she lives or to whom he/she has been assigned by court order. However, a dependent student who enrolls and is properly classified as an in-state student maintains that classification as long as the enrollment is continuous and that student does not attain independence and establish domicile in another state.

A non-resident student who becomes independent while a student at an institution of higher education in West Virginia does not, by reason of such independence alone, attain residence in this state for admission or fee payment purposes.

Change of Residence

A person who has been classified as an out-of-state student and who seeks resident status in West Virginia must assume the burden of providing conclusive evidence that he/she has established domicile in West Virginia with the intention of making his/her permanent home in the State. The intent to remain indefinitely in West Virginia is evidenced not only by a person’s statements, but also by that person’s actions.


An alien who is in the United States on a resident visa or who has filed a petition for naturalization in the naturalization court and who has established a bona fide domicile in West Virginia may be eligible for in-state residency classification, provided that person is in the State for purposes other than to attempt to qualify for residency status as a student.

Former Domicile

A person who was formerly domiciled in the State of West Virginia and who would have been eligible for an in-state residency classification at the time of his/her departure from the state may be immediately eligible for classification as a West Virginia resident provided such person returns to West Virginia within a one (1) year period of time and satisfies the conditions regarding proof of domicile and intent to remain permanently in West Virginia.

Appeal Process

Students are provided the opportunity to appeal residency classification decisions with which they disagree. The decision of the Registrar may be appealed in accordance with appropriate procedures established by the president of the institution. Residency appeals shall end at the institutional level.

Registration, Assessment, and Advising

Eligibility for Registration and Access to Records

If a student incurs a financial obligation to the institution no further registration is permitted and an official transcript or other records will not be released until this obligation is met. Registration dates and procedures are included in the academic calendar each academic term. The academic calendar is available on Southern’s website and in the catalog for that academic year. Students should consult this calendar for current registration information and procedures. The calendar can be found on the web at

Placement Standards Entrance Assessments for Initial Credit-Bearing Courses in Mathematics and English

Entering students are eligible for a free initial assessment of skills and competencies in English, mathematics, and reading.

The West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education, Title 135 Procedural Rule, Series 21, Freshman Assessment and Placement Standards, establishes uniform procedures for the placement of students in credit-bearing courses in mathematics and English which can be applied toward an undergraduate academic degree.

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College uses the co-requisite model for students who do not meet admission requirements for entry-level math or English courses. Co-requisite courses are credit-bearing courses that provide aligned academic support for the entry-level, credit-bearing course and are required as a component of the entry-level course. Course content is the same as the traditional credit-bearing course but additional required attendance/ instruction and/or participation in academic support structures is required for successful completion. Co-requisite courses use the same prefix and number as the credit-bearing course followed by a letter A or E.

A transfer student who has successfully completed remediation at the sending institution shall be deemed to have met the placement standard at the receiving institution.

Placement in Mathematics

Students at Southern may enroll in a college-level, credit-bearing math course without required academic support programs provided the following cut scores have been met:

Assessment Test Quantitative Reasoning Elementary Statistics College
SAT Math (taken March 2016 and later) 510 520 530
ACT Math 19 20 21
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER - Quantitative Reasoning ,Algebra, and Statistics (QAS) 250 255 260
ACCUPLACER - Elementary Algebra n/a n/a 76
ACCUPLACER - college-level math n/a n/a 40
ACCUPLACER - arithmetic test 85 n/a n/a

Placement in English Composition

Students at Southern may enroll in a college-level, credit-bearing English course without required academic support programs provided the following cut scores have been met in English composition and reading:

Assessment Test English Composition Reading
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (taken March 2016 and later) 480 n/a
SAT Essay 13 (combined score) n/a
SAT Reading n/a 23
ACT English 18 n/a
ACT Reading n/a 17
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER - Writing 250 n/a
Next-Generation ACCUPLACER - Reading n/a 252

Assessment Expectations for Students

All students enrolling in certificate and associate degree programs are expected to participate in institutional programs, including course and/or service assessment activities. This participation will most often be in the form of tests to determine the degree of student academic achievement within the basic skills, the general education core curriculum, or the academic major. As part of the academic calendar, “testing days” will be established during which students will be required to participate in these assessment activities. Participation is an expectation of students as a condition of their continuation in the academic program of study and as a prerequisite to graduation. Assessment activities include entrance assessment for course placement, mid-point assessment to determine academic progress, exit assessment prior to program completion and graduation. Other forms of assessment strategies (i.e. - simulations, licensure exams, etc.) may also be used. Failure to participate in scheduled assessment activities may result in limitations on continued enrollment, forwarding of official transcripts, and/or program completion and graduation.


Students pursuing an associate degree or certificate program are assigned an faculty advisor. It is strongly recommended that students meet with advisors when registering for classes. Advising is an on-going process of clarification and evaluation. Students should contact their advisor:

  • prior to any change in class schedule such as dropping a class or withdrawing from a class
  • prior to any change in major
  • during pre-registration and schedule adjustment periods
  • following any report of unsatisfactory progress
  • when graduation is imminent
  • when experiencing academic difficulties

Allied Health and Nursing

Associate in Applied Science Application Requirements

Applications will be accepted for the following Allied Health and Nursing programs for the 2021 / 2022 academic year:

Program Campus
Medical Laboratory Technology Logan Campus
Medical Assisting Boone/Lincoln and Williamson Campuses
Nursing Logan Campus
Paramedic Science Logan Campus
Radiologic Technology Logan Campus
Respiratory Care Technology Williamson and Wyoming/McDowell Campuses
Surgical Technology Logan Campus

Allied Health and Nursing Admission Criteria:

  1. Apply to Southern if not currently enrolled.
  2. Meet Southern’s admission requirements.
  3. Be a high school graduate or have a General Educational Development (GED®) diploma or have a State High School Equivalency diploma.
  4. Have official transcripts from ALL other colleges and universities sent to Student Records.
  5. Be eligible to enter college-level English and math by the application deadline.
  6. Must complete developmental English and math by the application deadline.
  7. If applying to the Paramedic Science program, applicants must have a current EMT-B certification.
  8. Have a 2.0 GPA from high school or college for Allied Health Programs.
  9. Meet the minimum acceptable score of 60 or higher on the ATI TEAS Exam and a 2.50 GPA for the Nursing Program.
    1. Refer to the current application for the minimum program requirements regarding the adjusted individual composite score required to be considered for admission.
    2. Registration procedures to take the ATI TEAS Exam may be found in the current application.
    3. Cost of the exam is the responsibility of the student.

Application Process:

  1. Submit a completed Allied Health and Nursing application by the application deadline with the following documentation:
    1. SAT and ACT scores, if applicable. ACCUPLACER scores will not be used as a replacement for ACT scores. However, ACCUPLACER scores can be used to document college-level math and English readiness.
    2. Copy of transcripts from ALL previously attended colleges and universities regardless of the age and applicability.
  2. Applications to Southern and Allied Health and Nursing may be found on the institution’s website under “Application Center”.
  3. Applications will be available October 2021, and the application deadline is February 2021 for priority consideration.
  4. All application materials must be submitted by the application deadline for priority consideration.
  5. Selection to an Allied Health or Nursing program is competitive.
    1. Criteria for selection:
      1. May be found in the current application.
      2. May change from one year to the next.
      3. Awareness of the current selection criteria is the responsibility of the applicant.
  6. All applicants will be admitted with the status of provisional until required documentation is received in the office of the Dean, School of Career and Technical Studies.

Background Check and Drug Screen:

  1. All applicants MUST pass a background check and drug screen prior to being fully admitted to an Allied Health or Nursing program.
  2. The School of Career and Technical Studies will select the company, who will conduct the background check and drug screen.
    1. Date, time, and location are at the discretion of the Allied Health and Nursing programs.
    2. All costs are the responsibility of the applicant.
  3. Applicants may be denied admission based on the results of the background check and drug screen if the applicant has:
    1. Any criminal record.
    2. Been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (other than a parking ticket).
    3. Pled nolo contendere.
    4. A pending court case, or is
    5. Currently serving a sentence in jail/prison.
    6. On home confinement, or other types of punishment by federal and/or state law enforcement, or
    7. Currently in treatment for drug addiction or dependency.
  4. Failure to disclose information regarding a criminal background, drug addiction, or current treatment will result in the forfeiture of admission and may impact future applications to an Allied Health or Nursing program.
  5. Clinical agencies may deny access to students who have a criminal background and/or positive drug screen.
    1. Applicants denied access to a clinical agency will be unable to fulfill the academic requirements of the Allied Health or Nursing program and will not be admitted or allowed to continue in a program.

Physical Examination:

  1. All applicants MUST provide a completed physical exam (on the official form provided) which includes:
    1. A completed, thorough, legible, physical exam with all items addressed. Forms with check marks, blanks, and N/A will be returned and a new physical exam will be required. Please make sure the health care provider is aware the form must be completed as requested by the School of Career and Technical Studies.
    2. Statement by a physician, or mid-level provider, regarding applicant’s physical and mental ability to function as an allied health professional in a clinical setting.
    3. All required laboratory/radiologic testing.
    4. Required immunizations, with verification of immunity to certain diseases. Refusal to get immunizations may cause student to be unable to fulfill the clinical requirements of the program.
  2. Failure to submit completed physical exam form, laboratory/radiologic-testing results, proof of current immunizations and immunity to certain disease by the deadline established by the program will disqualify the applicant’s admission.

CPR Certification:

If selected for admission, a student must show proof of American Heart Association Basic Life Support Healthcare Provider CPR certification that is current at the time of admission or before the academic term in which they begin clinical training and recertified through completion of the program. Failure to provide a copy of current CPR certification to the program coordinator or program assistant by the deadline will disqualify the applicant admission.

Adherence to Current College Catalog and Handbooks:

  1. Once admitted to an Allied Health or Nursing program it is the responsibility of the student to:
    1. Read and adhere to all policies and procedures in the current college catalog, student handbook, and the program specific Allied Health or Nursing student handbook.
      1. Current college catalog and student handbook may be found on the college website
      2. Current Allied Health and Nursing handbooks will be provided via each program coordinator/faculty and/or are available on the college website and/or Blackboard.
      3. College catalog, student handbook, and Allied Health and Nursing handbooks are updated annually.
  2. The Allied Health and Nursing handbook is subject to change with notification during the year.
  3. All applicants admitted, and returning students, must adhere to the policies in the current college catalog, student handbook, and program specific Allied Health and Nursing handbooks.


  1. Individuals currently enrolled in an Allied Health or Nursing program at another college or university may transfer provided:
    1. The college or university is accredited.
    2. The student meets the eligibility for admission to an Allied Health or Nursing program at Southern.
    3. The student is in good standing at the current institution.
    4. Space is available in the program for which the student requests transfer.
    5. The ability to accept transfer is at the discretion of the program Coordinator and Dean, School of Career and Technical Studies.
  2. Contact the appropriate Allied Health or Nursing Coordinator or the Dean, School of Career and Technical Studies for transfer information and requirements.

Clinical Schedules and Travel:

  1. Clinical experiences are held at a variety of health care agencies.
  2. Day, evening, night, and/or weekend clinicals may be required.
  3. Travel is required in all Allied Health and Nursing programs and may include clinical agencies throughout West Virginia.
  4. Transportation to and from the college and clinical agencies utilized for classroom, clinicals, or other clinical experiences is the responsibility of the student.


  1. Graduates of an Allied Health or Nursing program may apply to take the appropriate certification/licensure exam.
  2. Approval to take the appropriate national certification/licensure exam is made by the national certification/licensing agency or state board of examiners. Denial to take certification or licensure examination is determined by the national certification/licensing agency or state board of examiners.