Mar 31, 2025  
20-21 SWVCTC Academic Catalog 
20-21 SWVCTC Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policy and Procedures


Credit Hours (SIP-3240)

A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

  • one hour (50 minutes) per week during a 15 week academic term, or an equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or at least an equivalent amount of work as required above for other activities including laboratory, practica, studio, online, and/or other academic work leading toward to the award of credit hours.

Student Class Attendance

In accordance with SIP-4672, the class attendance policy is determined by each instructor and plainly stated to each student in the course syllabus. Regular class attendance is necessary for successful academic work.

Full-Time Enrollment

For the purposes of tuition the number of credit hours for a full-time student is twelve per academic term. The maximum permissible load each academic term is as follows: (a) 13 hours for those students who are on academic probation; (b) 18 hours for those students who are not on academic probation; (c) those with a 3.0 or greater grade point average (GPA) may take more than 18 hours with the permission of the appropriate Dean responsible for the program and/or major or from the Chief Academic Officer.

Students should always consult the program outline in this catalog and their advisor to make sure they will complete degree requirements in a timely fashion. Some associate degree programs require that a student take more than fifteen hours each academic term in order to complete within a two-year period.

For other college purposes, students are classified as follows:

  • Freshmen
Students who have completed 29 or fewer credit hours
  • Sophomore
Students who have completed 30 or more credit hours.

Auditing Courses

Individuals interested in enrolling for a course and not receiving a grade may audit the class. In auditing a course, the student pays the regular tuition and fees for the course, receives instruction, and participates in classroom activities, but does not receive a grade. The final grade of “AU” will be recorded on the student’s transcript.

During the fall and spring academic terms, a class may be changed from audit to credit and vice versa within the first two weeks of the official start date of the class. This change must be made in the Student Records Office. If during the third or fourth week the student elects to change from audit to credit or vice versa, the instructor’s written permission must be secured.


Grade Description Quality Points per Credit Hour
A Superior 4.0
B Good 3.0
C Average 2.0
D Below Average 1.0
F Failure 0.0
F* Failure due to non-attendance Not calculated in GPA
W Withdrawal Not calculated in GPA
I Incomplete Not calculated in GPA
CR Credit (used for various non-traditional credit only) Not calculated in GPA
NC No Credit Not calculated in GPA
AU Audit Not calculated in GPA

The grade point average (GPA) is computed on all work which you have completed with the exception of courses with grades of “W”, “NC”, “CR”, “I”, “AU”, and eligible repeated courses. Please see provisions and rules for the “I”, “AU”, and “D and F” repeat grades.

The grade point average is the ratio of the number of quality points gained to the total credit hours for courses in which a student earned a letter grade.

To compute the overall grade point average, add all quality points and divide this number by the total credit hours for courses in which a student earned a letter grade. Courses in which grades of “W” have been given are ignored but a grade of “F” is included in hours earned with “0” quality points.

Incomplete Grade

A student may receive an Incomplete “I” grade for a course if that student has successfully completed the majority of the academic requirements and is unable to complete the course due to unforeseen or uncontrollable circumstances. The instructor for the course must submit Incomplete Grade Forms to the appropriate Dean for approval before an “I” grade may be recorded. The student does not re-register for the course in which the “I” grade was received but must complete the requirements for the course within the next full academic term or the “I” grade will automatically be changed to a grade of “F”. The final grade for the course will be assigned by the instructor and the grade change must be approved by the Dean and the Chief Academic Officer and then forwarded to the Registrar.

Credit/No Credit Grade

Some courses may be graded on a pass/fail basis. In these instances, a student may receive a grade of credit (CR) to indicate that the student has met the course requirements. On the other hand, a student may receive a grade of no credit (NC) to indicate that the student has not met the course requirements.

D and F Repeat Provisions (Policies SCP-3736 and SCP-4398)

If a student earns a “D” or “F” in a course, he or she is eligible to repeat the course. The original “D” or “F” must occur no later than the academic term in which a total of 60 hours is attempted. The grade earned the second time the course is taken will be used to determine the grade point average, if the course is repeated prior to the receipt of a degree or certificate from Southern. The first grade recorded will be identified on the permanent record as a repeated course. The original grade will not be deleted from the student’s official transcript.

Academic Standing Policy


A student’s academic status is computed at the end of each academic term.


A part-time student may be placed on “academic warning” at the end of his first academic term of enrollment. “Academic Probation” may be imposed after a part-time student completes ten credit hours and “suspension” may be imposed after nineteen credit hours have been attempted. A part-time student may be dismissed only after having attempted twenty-four credit hours.


A. Good Standing

Students are considered in good academic standing if they maintain an academic term minimum GPA of 2.00, a cumulative GPA of 2.00, and are eligible to re-enroll at Southern.

B. Academic Warning

Students who fail to maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.00 for any academic term will receive an academic warning. All such students will be notified via Southern e-mail account. However, all students are responsible for monitoring their own academic record and performance, and failure to receive the notification does not nullify the scholastic standing action. Students on academic warning are encouraged to consult with a Student Services or faculty advisor and take advantage of academic support and tutorial services provided by the College.

After Academic Warning, a student returns to Good Standing by achieving an academic term average of 2.0. A student remains on Academic Warning if his/her academic term GPA falls below 2.0.

C. Academic Probation

Students who fail to maintain a minimum academic term grade point average of 1.50 will be placed on academic probation until their grade point average reaches 1.75 or better. All such students will be notified via Southern e-mail account. However, all students are responsible for monitoring their own academic record and performance, and failure to receive the notification does not nullify the scholastic standing action. Students on academic probation may be required to carry less than a normal load the following academic term and are required to consult with a Student Services or faculty advisor.

After the completion of the probationary term, the student will be removed from Academic Probation if the GPA is 1.75 or better.

D. Academic Suspension

Students who are on academic probation and fail to attain an academic term GPA of 1.50 or better shall be placed on suspension. All such students will be notified via Southern e-mail account. However, all students are responsible for monitoring their own academic record and performance, and failure to receive the notification does not nullify the scholastic standing action. A suspended student is not eligible to attend Southern during the period of one academic term nor will credits earned at other schools during this time period be accepted via transfer.

E. Readmitted During Suspension Academic Term

Under some conditions a student on suspension from Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College may be allowed to register for courses during his/her suspension academic term. The decision to allow a student to register is at the discretion of the Chief Academic Officer. All students who are in suspension must be advised by an assigned advisor. A student on suspension is restricted in his/her selection of courses. Under this program, the student may enroll in a maximum of seven credit hours per academic term.

After the student has (1) fulfilled the suspension period of one academic term, or (2) completed an academic term with a 2.0 GPA, he/she may request reinstatement to academic probation. If a student does not make a 2.0 academic term GPA, he/ she is placed on academic suspension again. During this time, he/she must fulfill the suspension period of one year and may then request readmission to the College.

After the student has successfully completed one academic term of study, he/she is reinstated to academic probation. This will be approved if the student has earned a 2.0 grade point average during that academic term. If a student does not make a 2.0 grade point average and his/her cumulative average remains below that for good academic standing for the number of credit hours attempted, he/she is placed on academic suspension again. He/she must fulfill the suspension period of one year and may then request readmission to the College.

Adding/Dropping Courses

The College publishes dates when classes may be added/dropped. The Change of Schedule form used to add/drop classes may be obtained from the Records Office on the Logan or Williamson campuses or from the Student Services personnel on the Boone/Lincoln or Wyoming/McDowell campuses, or at the Lincoln Site. Classes dropped during the add/drop period will not appear on the final grade reports. Students may add/drop classes online until the first class day of the academic term. Once the academic term begins for fall, spring, or summer, dropping a class online is not available. Classes are not added simply by attending nor are they dropped by ceasing to attend class. Students must properly complete the Change of Schedule form and submit this form to a Student Services or faculty advisor at any campus or at the Lincoln Site. In order for the add/drop process to be finalized, the completed Change of Schedule form must be submitted to the Records Office at any campus or at the Lincoln Site. Failure to do so may adversely affect grades and/or financial assistance eligibility.

Withdrawal from Class/College

After the add/drop period, if a student finds it necessary to withdraw from class or from the College, he/she must complete the withdrawal process. Withdrawing from classes prior to the deadline date for withdrawal is accomplished by securing a Change of Schedule form, obtaining proper signatures, and submitting the form to a Student Services or faculty advisor at any campus or at the Lincoln site. If withdrawing from the College, the student should also talk with a Student Services or faculty advisor. If the student receives financial assistance or a student loan, then he/she should talk with the Financial Assistance Office, too. The withdrawal process is complete after the Change of Schedule form is processed by an advisor, a copy of the form is received by the Records Office, and finally the form is taken to the Business Office by the student or authorized representative. Withdrawal from class or the College cannot be completed through the online student self-service portal.

A student can withdraw from a full-term class on or before the completion of 73% of the academic term, which is roughly eleven weeks. The specific last day to withdraw in an academic term is published in the academic calendar included in the catalog. Students withdrawing during this time period will receive a grade of “W”. The student is responsible for knowing his or her last day to withdraw from classes. After the last day to withdraw, students will not be permitted to withdraw from the class and will receive the final grade they earn.

Classes meeting for less than full-term differ in specific last date for withdrawal.

Administrative Withdrawal

In the following specific circumstances, the College may withdraw students from a course for which they have enrolled.

The College will withdraw students who have enrolled but who have failed to pay their tuition and fees or made arrangements for payment by the advertised date for early registration or at the time of registration. There will be no record of the student being in these classes.

The College retains the right to withdraw a student from a course for emergencies or for the purpose of discipline under established rules of procedure. Faculty and Administration will determine the appropriate grade in each instance.

Credit for Prior Learning

General Guidelines

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College offers students the opportunity to get a head start in college. College credit may be awarded for knowledge gained through prior learning.

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College has established the following specific procedures for granting college credit from prior learning:

  • to qualify for graduation, 15 hours of the required credit (exclusive of credit from prior learning sources) must be earned in courses taken at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College
  • any course in which a grade of “Credit” has been assigned is not used in computation of the student’s grade point average
  • students may be awarded prior learning credit, up to 30 credits for associate degrees, and up to 15 credits for certificate degrees
  • prior learning credit cannot be awarded for any course which a student has previously completed at any college
  • a student may not completely place out of major courses either by national examinations, credit examinations, experiential learning, or any combination of these sources
  • students who plan to use credit from prior learning sources to meet the degree requirements of other institutions should check the requirements of the receiving institution, as this type of credit is usually re-evaluated by the receiving institution

Advanced Placement Examination

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College recognizes the examinations of the College Board Advanced Placement Program. A high school senior who participates in the Advanced Placement Program and wishes to have his scores evaluated for credit should have examination results sent to the Office of Admissions and Records. Advanced Placement examinations are prepared by the College Board, and papers are graded by readers of the Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey.

The College requires a minimum score of three (3) for granting of credit through the Advanced Placement Program. No credit is granted for scores below 3. Courses for which credit is granted shall be listed on the official transcript with (AP) following the official course title. Grades for these courses shall be listed as “CR” and shall not be calculated when determining grade point average.

The list of advanced placement courses can be found at

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Southern accepts and awards credit through successful completion of CLEP tests. CLEP was developed to serve the non-traditional student who has acquired knowledge through correspondence, university extension courses, educational TV, adult education programs, on-the job training, or independent study.

CLEP examinations are subject-based. The subject examinations are designed to measure knowledge of specific undergraduate courses. These CLEP exams may be applied to specific course requirements in degree programs at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College. For more information regarding CLEP, contact a Student Services advisor.

Challenging a Course/Credit by Examination

Students interested in challenging a course must contact the Dean by the end of the third week of the academic term in which the student plans to take the challenge exam. The exam must be taken prior to the final date to withdraw from a course in the academic term in which a student wishes to receive credit for the course. Normally, challenge exams will not be given during the summer. However, exceptions may be granted by the Chief Academic Officer when qualified faculty are available for examination administration.

Full-time faculty within the discipline to which the course belongs will prepare, administer, and grade the challenge exam. The challenge exam will be comprehensive. To receive a grade of CR for the course being challenged, a student must earn a minimum score of 70% or higher on the challenge exam as determined by the school to which the course belongs. Upon successful completion of the challenge exam, a grade of CR will be recorded on the student’s transcript.

No student may challenge a course more than once. A student may not challenge a course in which a grade other than W or AU was received. A student planning to transfer to another institution should contact that institution prior to taking a challenge examination to determine if the CR grade is acceptable for that particular course.

A non-refundable fee is assessed for this service prior to taking the examination.

Credit by challenge examination is not included in the calculation of a student’s instructional load as it applies to the financial assistance program of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.

Prior Learning Assessment (Credit-by-Experience)

Under certain conditions a student may apply for college credit related to life experiences provided those experiences are related to material content normally covered in a course or courses offered by Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College. The amount of credit and how it is to be assigned is recommended by the Dean. Final authority for awarding such credit rests with the Chief Academic Officer. A fee of $10 per credit hour is assessed for this service and must be remitted to the College prior to the assessment of the applicant’s credential.

Students seeking credit for experience in the Board of Governors Associate in Applied Science Adult Degree Completion Program must complete EL 201, Portfolio Development, as part of this process. The student will also pay a $300 portfolio review fee and complete form SIP-3227.A “Portfolio Examination Form” for each course petitioned upon submission of the portfolio to Chief Academic Officer. Fees for evaluation of the portfolio must be paid prior to the assessment process.

The Chief Academic Officer will forward the portfolio submission to the appropriate Dean, who then submits the document to the faculty of the appropriate academic department or disciplines. The faculty member chosen to make a specific evaluation is instructed, where necessary, by the Dean about the procedures to be followed. Normally these evaluations will be made by the teaching faculty of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College. If the student’s experience being assessed lies outside the professional competence of Southern’s faculty, the Dean will request a competent individual from another institution or another expert to make the evaluation.

After a faculty member’s recommendation for credit is made, it is reviewed by the Dean, who then makes a recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer for approval or denial of the credit recommended by the faculty member. Form SIP-3227.A is returned to the Dean until the entire portfolio is evaluated, at which time all credit awards are submitted to the Registrar.

Articulation of Credit through Licensure/Certification

Under certain conditions, adult students may be awarded college credit for courses through current licensure and/or transcripts and/or certification related to the material content normally covered in a course offered by Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College. The license and/or certification must be current and unencumbered.

Review of documentation and recommendation for credit are the responsibility of the Dean. A fee of $10 per credit hour must be remitted to the college prior to awarding the credit.

A grade of “CR” is given for a course articulated for credit.

Correspondence Course Credit

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College will accept correspondence courses from accredited institutions of higher education. Consult your faculty advisor or Dean to make certain these courses coincide with your educational objectives.

A maximum of six (6) hours of correspondence credit may be applied toward a certificate or degree. These hours count as part of the total hours of prior learning credit applicable toward a degree or certificate.

Articulated, EDGE, or Dual Credit Opportunities

College credit may be obtained by students while attending high school through three options: articulation agreements, dual credit courses, and EDGE (Earn a Degree Graduate Early). Agreements are in place with high schools throughout the College’s service district. These agreements recognize course equivalencies in specific technical courses. For more information contact Southern’s Student Services Office or a high school counselor.

Students who have participated in EDGE must request their EDGE transcripts from the following website:

Degrees, Graduation, and Transcripts


Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College grants associate or certificate degrees in several program areas. Some of these programs are career oriented and prepare graduates for entry into job opportunities requiring a certificate or associate degree. Other programs are designed for the student who expects to transfer to a bachelor’s degree program at a four year institution. Associate degree programs are structured to include career courses, courses in related fields, and general education courses. Students are expected to work closely with the faculty advisor in selecting courses that meet degree or certificate program requirements.

An associate degree program (either Associate in Arts, Associate in Science, or Associate in Applied Science) constitutes a field of study within an approved degree program having its own prescribed curriculum. An associate degree program consists of a minimum of sixty credit hours.

A certificate degree program allows for successful entry into employment in a specific career usually as the foundation of the Associate in Applied Science. A minimum of thirty credit hours constitutes a certificate degree program at the associate level.

A skill set is a defined series of courses that prepare individuals for a specific skill. A skill set consists of four - eighteen credit hours.

Earning Multiple Degrees

Students who have received an associate degree or a certificate consisting of thirty or more credit hours and who wish to receive an additional degree or certificate may count all appropriate previously earned course credits toward the desired additional associate degree or certificate. All course requirements for the additional degree/certificate must be met. All time limitations on course relevancy must be observed.


Graduation exercises are held at the end of each spring academic term. Those who successfully complete the degree requirements with a 2.0 or better grade point average are eligible to graduate. Some programs require that students earn a minimum grade of “C” in certain courses taken in order to graduate with a degree/certificate in that program area. In order to successfully complete degree requirements, fifteen hours of the total program must be completed at Southern.

Students in the Board of Governors Associate in Applied Science Adult Degree Completion Program are an exception to this policy. Per West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education Board of Governors Associate in Applied Science Adult Degree Completion Program Administrative Guidelines, students transferring into this program must complete twelve hours at a regionally accredited higher education institution, including a total of three hours credit at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.

Graduating students must complete an application and pay the graduation fee to begin the evaluation process. Deadline dates for submitting applications are posted, and the faculty advisor will explain graduation check out procedures.

Graduation with Honors

Students completing requirements for the associate degree or certificate programs with a minimum 3.40 cumulative grade point average are eligible to graduate with honors. Transitional studies courses in the less than 100 level series are not counted toward meeting graduation requirements and are not used in the calculation of the graduation grade point average.

Academic Forgiveness Policy for Graduation

The academic forgiveness policy allows academic forgiveness of “D” and “F” grades for purposes of calculating the grade point average required for graduation only. This policy is designed to assist students who previously left college with low grades and may be implemented, provided certain conditions are satisfied, where the “D and F” repeat rule is not applicable.

The student wishing forgiveness must not have been enrolled on a full-time basis or on a part-time basis for more than twelve hours at any higher education institution for a period of four consecutive calendar years prior to the request for academic forgiveness. Only “D” and “F” grades received prior to the four-year non-enrollment period may be disregarded for GPA calculation.

This policy pertains only to the calculation of the GPA required for graduation and does not pertain to GPA calculated for special academic recognition, graduation with honors or admission requirements for particular programs.

To implement this policy, the student must submit a written request to the Chief Academic Officer. The request must identify the non-enrollment period and the specific courses and grades the student wishes to be exempted from GPA calculation. The Chief Academic Officer can accept, modify, or reject the student’s request. Grades disregarded for grade point average computation will remain on the student’s transcript.

In instances where students request and gain academic forgiveness from one college or university and then transfer to another institution, the receiving institution is not bound by the prior institution’s decision to disregard grades for grade point average calculation. Students in the Board of Governors Associate in Applied Science Adult Degree Completion Program are an exception to this policy. Per West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education Board of Governors Associate in Applied Science Adult Degree Completion Program Administrative Guidelines, students transferring into this program must complete twelve hours at a regional accredited higher education institution, including a total of three hours credit at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College.

Dean’s List

Students carrying a minimum of twelve credit hours during the Fall or Spring academic term and earning a grade point average of 3.25 or better are eligible to be placed on the Dean’s List. No application is necessary; qualified students will automatically have their name appear on the Dean’s List. Any questions regarding the Dean’s List should be directed to the Chief Academic Officer.

Transferring Credit

The transfer of credits to other institutions within the state system is established by the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education (Council). It is the policy of the Council that the transfer of credits among institutions will be completed consistent with appropriate and legitimate academic program integrity.

At least sixty and no more than seventy-two hours of credit completed at community colleges governed by the Council shall be transferable to any baccalaureate degree-granting institution in the state systems.

Students completing two-year associate degrees at public institutions governed by the Council shall generally, upon transfer to a baccalaureate level degree-granting institution, have junior level status and be able to graduate with the same number of total credit hours as a non-transfer student at the same institution and in the same program.

In addition, Southern’s students enjoy transferability of credits to other institutions of higher education throughout the nation through accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission of North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

The Council has established procedures for the hours of course work acceptable for transfer that will count toward fulfillment of general education requirements at all institutions of higher education in West Virginia. Please consult your faculty advisor or appropriate Dean for specific course information.

Requests for Transcripts

Through a partnership with National Student Clearinghouse, Southern students may order official and unofficial academic transcripts through the eTranscript link located on Southern’s website(click the Learn More link), within mySouthern, or on

Students may also submit a written request, which includes the student’s signature, to their campus Records Office. There is a $5.00 fee for an official transcript. Transcript requests will not be honored if the student has an obligation with the institution. Unofficial academic transcripts can be printed from the student’s mySouthern account at free of charge. To do so, click the mySouthern link, then log in using your Southern email address and your Southern password (if first time using mySouthern, password will be Southern ID with an ! at the end, ex. S00123456!). Once logged in, click the following links to view and print your unofficial transcript: Student Services and Business Office > Student Records and Cashier > Academic Transcript > submit.