Mar 31, 2025  
20-21 SWVCTC Academic Catalog 
20-21 SWVCTC Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services, Programs, and Activities

 Adult Services

The Adult Services is designed to provide supportive assistance to individuals 25 years of age and older. Trained staff is available on each campus to help the adult student learn every aspect of student success in college. Services are designed to east the transition into the classroom for those seeking to begin or complete a degree, acquire marketable skills, or retrain for a new career. The office offers information, workshops, community resources, and special resources for single parts and/or displaced workers. When visiting the campus for the first time, the adult student will meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss how to begin the college process.

Advisory Council of Students

The West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education established a Student Advisory Council. This council meets periodically throughout the academic year to provide student input to the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education staff and Chancellor. State statute requires that the student not be appointed by the College, but must be selected by student vote.

Career and Educational Guidance Services

Student Services personnel at all College locations offer a wide variety of services to students in an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidentiality. They are available to assist students who need help in dealing with personal difficulties, career decision making, and educational planning.

Services available include academic advising, career, and educational counseling, orientation to academic programs, aptitude assessment, career planning, current information on career and educational opportunities, and special interest seminars and workshops. These services are free to all students. For more information, stop by the Student Services Office at any College location or call 304.307.0715 (Boone/Lincoln Campus), 304.896.7375 (Logan Campus), 304.236.7609 (Williamson Campus), or 304.294.2012 (Wyoming/McDowell Campus).

Career Planning and Placement Services

Current students and alumni are encouraged to take advantage of the services and resources offered on campus. Student Services personnel on each campus are prepared to provide students with individualized career counseling which includes assistance with determining an academic major, setting a career goal, preparing for the job market, and/or seeking job placement. Workshops covering job search skills, resume writing, interviewing skills, and business etiquette are conducted periodically during the academic term and are open to current students and graduates.

During the spring academic term, employers are invited on campus to participate in a job fair. Students and community members have an opportunity to meet with representatives from business and industry, discuss employment opportunities, submit resumes, and/or interview for available positions. Throughout the year, individuals can learn of advertised job openings by visiting Southern’s web site for a complete listing of jobs for students. Advertised job openings are also posted on each campus.

For more information, stop by the Student Services Office at any College location or call 304.307.0715 (Boone/Lincoln Campus), 304.896.7375 (Logan Campus), 304.236.7609 (Williamson Campus), or 304.294.2012 (Wyoming/McDowell Campus).

Special events, such as seminars and conferences, are scheduled throughout the year; meeting rooms may be rented at nominal rates by community groups.

Disability Services

Consistent with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College ensures that qualified individuals with disabilities are afforded equal opportunity to participate in its programs and services. Reasonable modifications in policies, practices, and procedures are affected to assure equal access to individuals with disabilities.

Disability Services offers a supportive environment to ensure students with disabilities have equal access to the programs, services and activities offered by Southern. Disability Services provides and coordinates reasonable accommodations and disability-related services, advocates for an accessible learning environment through the removal of physical, informational and attitudinal barriers, and encourages self-advocacy and personal responsibility on the part of students with disabilities.

Immediately following completion of the application to Southern, persons with disabilities should contact Disability Services to plan for potential accommodation.

Reasonable and effective academic accommodations are provided on an individual basis and are based upon appropriate documentation of the disability and the significant functional limitations associated with the disability. Students having accommodation needs must:

  • schedule an initial interview with the Office of Disability Services
  • provide written documentation of disability from an appropriate professional licensed to diagnose such disability
  • request services on an academic term basis

This process of providing disability-related services follows guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and is designed to assure that reasonable accommodations are provided to all qualified students in a timely manner.

Information provided regarding Disability Services is considered confidential and is not disclosed without the written permission of the student. For further information contact Disability Services at 304.896.7315 (TTY: 304.792.7054).

Early Alert Program

Through the Early Alert program, students at risk are identified early each term by faculty. The program provides customized services and connects students to additional support services.

Our goal is to retain and empower the high-risk students to become successful learners. The Student Success Center Coordinator and/or an Academic Advisor will contact student(s) to discuss issues that may require attention and resources to support them.

Food Service

The Snack Bars, located near the Student Union on the Logan and Williamson campuses, provide a variety of short order food, breakfasts, lunches, fruits, and desserts. Other services such as catering, receptions, and student activities are available upon request.

Honor Societies

Lambda Chi Nu

Lambda Chi Nu is an honor society to recognize outstanding academic achievement in associate degree nursing. This organization shall foster a commitment to the nursing profession and recognize exemplary contributions toward the advancement of professional nursing.

Lambda Nu
Lambda Nu is an honor society for the radiologic and imaging sciences covering diagnostic x-radiography, mammography, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine, cardiovascular interventional technology, radiation therapy, dosimetry, quality management, bone densitometry, and education in the radiologic sciences.

Student members of the honor society must be enrolled in a program in the imaging sciences and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the program. Students must be full-time and enrolled for at least one academic term.

Southern’s Gamma Chapter of the Lambda Nu National Honor Society for Radiologic and Imaging Sciences is the first such chapter in the state of West Virginia.

National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)

The NSLS is the nation’s largest leadership honor society. Students are selected by their college for membership based on either academic standing or leadership potential. Candidacy is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction. With 656 chapters, the NSLS currently has 1,023,820 members nationwide.

In addition to honorable distinction, the NSLS provides a step-by-step program for members to build their leadership skills through participation at their campus or online. Upon completion of the program, members receive their leadership certificate and take their place among the top student leaders at their campus and across the country. Members are able to list their affiliation on all statements of personal accomplishment, including their resume.

Membership is for life and provides access to benefits including scholarships and awards, exclusive on-campus events, employer recruitment through an online job bank, and discounts on computers, textbooks, grad school prep courses, insurance, and much more.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is a National Honor Society for the community and junior colleges of America. It has its headquarters in Canton, Mississippi and since its inception in 1918, has been serving American institutions which offer associate degree programs.

The purpose of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize and encourage scholarship among associate degree students. Full-time students with a grade point average of 3.5 or above are eligible to become members. Phi Theta Kappa provides a forum for intellectual climate and an opportunity for the development of leadership. It, therefore, plans meetings and conferences towards this end. Membership in Phi Theta Kappa means membership in an exciting academic fellowship.

Library Services

Full-service libraries are currently operated on the Logan and Williamson campuses. In Logan, the library is located near the Student Union and in Williamson on the first floor. The Boone/Lincoln and Wyoming/McDowell campuses offer electronic and interlibrary loan access to Southern’s library services as well as to public libraries or libraries at nearby colleges. The Logan and Williamson campus libraries’ hours are posted each academic term.

The materials, equipment, and services offered are made available to both students and non-students, and anyone may check out titles after obtaining a library card. For Southern students, the student ID card serves as a library card. The College library often functions as the community library. Audio-visual equipment and resource materials are checked out to public school teachers, civic groups and individuals upon request.

To familiarize individuals with the facility, the librarians conduct orientations for elementary, secondary, and Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College students.

Each library’s collection includes books, access to research and general databases, microfilm reels and microfiche. Also, interlibrary loan services are provided to the community and the student body. The collections on the campuses not only include diverse literary and resource titles, but they also incorporate special collections and sections; among these are children’s books, titles depicting Appalachian culture, a West Virginia collection, a section devoted to genealogy, and documents detailing local historical events.

Services for the Community

In an attempt to serve the entire College community, many College services are available to the general public as well as to students and employees. During the fall and spring academic terms the Harless Library in Logan is open to the community from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The Williamson Campus Library is open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The library is free to the public.

Student Activities

The Student Activities Program is designed to supplement Southern’s academic programs in providing meaningful, educational, cultural, and social experiences. The activities program may include: publications, dramatic activities, departmental clubs, and various types of tournaments, dances, and entertainment.

Clubs and organizations may be developed with student leaders anytime during the school year; all clubs/organizations and their activities will have a College employee as advisor or sponsor.

The Student Activities Program is open to Southern students. In order to qualify for student status, a person must currently be registered for one or more academic course(s) at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College. Registered students pay student fees which support institutional student activities.

Student Clubs and Organizations

The following procedures have been developed whereby a group of students may petition for the organization of a desired club on campus. This procedure will help ensure club development that has the necessary student interest and support at Southern.

The group should first obtain an application for formation from an Academic Advisor or Director and complete it with the following information: Name of organization, purpose of organization, types and classes of members, election and qualifications of officers and College advisor or sponsor. A petition should be attached, signed by those students desiring recognition as an organization, as well as a copy of the constitution and/or bylaws established for the organization.

The petition is to be submitted to the Student Government Association office (SGA). Following initial review, the petition will be referred to the SGA Advisor by the SGA with a recommendation for approval or non-approval. The SGA Advisor will review the application, petition, and recommendation of the SGA. The SGA Advisor will make a recommendation for approval or non-approval of the application and forward all materials to the Director of Admissions and Student Life. The Director of Admissions and Student Life will review the application and associated materials and make a recommendation to the Chief Academic Officer regarding approval or non-approval for recognition of the petitioning club/organization. The President will have final approval and will notify the club/organization of his/her decision in writing. Official applications for club formation may be obtained from an Academic Advisor or Director.

All activities of the club/organization must be approved. For activities involving the utilization of facilities both on and off campus, the officers for the club/organization must first contact the campus office responsible for building and grounds.

All financial obligations incurred by a club will become the sole responsibility of that particular organization. Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College will not assume responsibility for financial or other obligations of any club on campus. A club may have its own program of charging membership dues or other necessary fund-raising events to support the financial obligation of that particular club if such dues/membership fees were included in the information submitted with the initial application. The campus advisor/sponsor and the club president must co-sign all checks that expend funds from their organization. Also, they must assume responsibility for all financial obligations incurred by the club they represent.

Group activities that are approved by the membership and not sanctioned by the College relieve the College of any liabilities that may occur during the event. The College cannot assume financial or other responsibility for any vandalism that may be caused by a club/organization activity. This responsibility must be assumed by the club advisor, officers, and club membership.

The Student Nurses Association

The Student Nurses Association is composed of students who have been formally accepted into the nursing program. This organization is designed to promote professionalism and collaboration among nursing students. Membership in the National Student Nurses Association is encouraged.

Student Government

Southern encourages an active Student Government Association (SGA) on all campuses. Officers include President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Election of officers and representatives is discussed in the Student Government Constitution. Some of the activities of the SGA include dances, speakers, and other activities. Each year a college employee is appointed as advisor to the respective SGA.

SGA meetings are held regularly and are open to the student body; however, voting privileges rest only with the elected SGA members. The SGA makes recommendations to the Campus and College concerning needs and concerns of students.

Student Identification Cards

Students enrolled at Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College must obtain an identification card for admission to student activities, to vote in student elections, to check out books from the library, to participate in other college related programs, and to receive financial aid checks. Identification cards may also be used for obtaining some student discounts sponsored by organizations or commercial agencies in the community. There is a $5.00 fee for replacement of lost ID’s. Identification cards must be worn in a visible location while on Campus.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center at Southern provides students with the academic support and services needed to be successful in community and technical college education.

The Student Success Center provides students with a one-stop-shop approach. The Center offers a variety of academic support services to empower students to succeed in their educational career.

Tutoring Services

Tutoring services are available to all currently enrolled students through the Learning Studio.

The Learning Studio offers group and individual tutoring. Students are encouraged to drop by the Studio to receive opportunities to find additional resources to successfully direct and manage individual learning.

The Studio provides Academic Support Specialist, peer tutors, and faculty volunteer tutors, in a variety of academic subjects to assist students in reaching their career goals.

Unattended Items

Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College is not responsible for the security of personal items left unattended on college property. The College is not responsible or liable for lost or stolen items. Employees, students, and visitors are expected to take reasonable care for the safety and security of their own property.

In this time of heightened security, unattended items may be held suspect and may be confiscated by security personnel or other college employees. Items confiscated are subject to search by security, law enforcement, or college personnel for identification and safety purposes.